

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It is sad the only actor in this blog is McQueen. You should research other sources and see there are many more actors who also loved/love cars and motorcycles.

the slowest man dijo...

....you're right Anonimo....make your own blog about actors who loves motorcycles...

the slowest man dijo...

...you too friend..

MadUrchin dijo...

no veas how aggressive!!!

NIKI dijo...

uyuyuy la cosa está q arrrrrrde....la foto es genial

Anónimo dijo...

F U 2, madurch

the slowest man dijo...

...fuck all...putos cabrones...

orellein dijo...

yo me fuck a la del calendario, fale. jejeje
other blog other artist

MadUrchin dijo...

you moron, stop fucking on line an get an inflatable doll...that is all you'll get.